TStv Africa - Pay as you go



Get up to date information about channels offerings, manage your account information and view the latest events and program schedules happening on TStv Africa.

Introducing the new TSTV Africa app.

First in Africa from Nigerian Paytv operator; TSTV Africa. 

Its great capabilities will blow your mind; it is just unbelievable. 

TSTV new app has the following capabilities :

1. You can register as a new TSTV user and activate your decoder yourself. 

2. You can modify your profile at any time. 

3. You can recharge your TSTV account  (wallet ) through TSTV recharge vouchers, your bank account or any other online payment platform. 

4. You can subscribe to channels of your choice, by choosing from the list of currently available channels on TSTV. 

5. You can modify the list of channels you subscribed for at any time. By adding to and deleting channels from. the list of channels you subscribed for. 

6. One greatest capability of this app is the ability to pause any of the channels you subscribed for at any time, without necessarily deleting the channel from the subscribed list.

7. Another great feature of the app is the ability to pause your subscription as a whole at any time; this stop daily deduction from your TSTV account until you activate your subscription again. 

8. Through this app, you can contact TSTV customer service, chat with TSTV agents and have access to TSTV dealers in your location. 

9. Through this app, you can watch (stream live) TSTV FTA channels and the channels you subscribed for anywhere on your mobile phone. 

10. This app also has a refresh feature tagged "Ret-rack". This makes it possible to refresh any changes you made that does not reflect on your decoder immediately. E.G. Subscription, activation, Subscription pausing, subscribed channels list modification etc.

11. Support a wide variety of hardware and software platforms. Android, iOS, PC, web etc.

12. A user-friendly user interface (UI) easy to use for a wide range of users; expert and amateur.

Download from Play Store


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