Don't Blame Those That Kills For Money Only


 Don't Blame Those That Kills For Money Only ...

I blame the society that celebrates success without knowing the source and track record.

I blame the society that respects only the rich.

I blame the society that doesn't celebrate or encourage hard work and productivity.

I blame the society that tells you Life is all about money.

I blame the society that keeps on producing children in poverty.

I blame the society that gives you any position and Title once you've made money.

I blame a society that teaches its children to be dedicated to their religion instead of teaching them humanity.

I blame a society where hard-working, intelligent and truthful ones can't have a voice without money.

I blame a society that prays for miracle money every day even in working hours, instead of being diligent in their duty.

I blame the society where the mother is Dancing that she is eating the fruit of her labour because her 20-year-old child just bought a vehicle for her.

Finally, I blame the society that calls you Jealous Man, Envious, Bad belle and all sort of names because you question the source of someone's wealth and flamboyant lifestyle.

My Dear People, stop wasting your Time praying about all these menaces, Prayer won't solve anything... change your attitude and let's Drop the too much value we've placed on Money...

If not...this is just the beginning, many heads are still going to be decapitated from their body, many will die.

Imagine a society where every youth is making money without Working...that society won't grow nao, there won't be a work force, human resources, discovery and functional engagement, cos' once an average Nigerian make money, they already see that there is no reason for them to work...

Imagine if your tailors,drivers,food vendors, barbers, doctors e.t.c all sit at home enjoying when you need their services because they've made huge money, how would you feel...workforce and duty engagements is what makes a society to grow and develop while magic or miracle money without work will lead it to it doom.

Life is not all about money, don't be deceived by My fellow Musicians, pastors and motivational speakers.



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