TIN - Tax Identification Number

Quick Links: Verify/Check your TIN - Register TIN (Individuals / Non-Individuals)

 In Nigeria, a Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier assigned to individuals and businesses for tax purposes. Here are some key things to know about TIN in Nigeria:

What is TIN?

A Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique 10-digit number assigned to individuals and businesses for tax purposes.

Who needs a TIN?

All individuals and businesses operating in Nigeria, including:

- Employees

- Employers

- Self-employed individuals

- Businesses (including SMEs and corporations)

- Non-resident individuals and businesses with taxable income in Nigeria

How to obtain a TIN?

You can obtain a TIN by:

- Registering online through the Joint Tax Board (JTB) website (Individuals / Non-Individuals)

- Visiting a FIRS office for registered  corporations or State IRS for an individual in person

- Submitting a TIN application form through a tax consultant or accountant

Documents required?

To apply for a TIN, you'll need to provide:

- A valid government-issued ID (e.g., NIN, driver's license, passport)

- Proof of address (e.g., utility bill, lease agreement)

- Business registration documents (e.g., CAC certificate, business license)

Benefits of having a TIN?

Having a TIN enables you to:

- File taxes and access tax services

- Open a bank account

- Register for government services and contracts

- Verify your identity for official purposes

How to verify a TIN?

You can verify a TIN online through the Joint Tax Board portal (https://tinverification.jtb.gov.ng/ ).


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